
SATURDAY - 9.00 TO 4.00PM
Shop 7, 101 Station st, Ferntree Gully
PHONE: 0426790322
EMAIL: customerservice@cheapfingerfoodcatering.com
24hrs a day
If you would like to place an order or book a
function please include a contact number,
address, date, time and your order.
We will get back to you very quickly with a
confirmation email. We can organise next day
delivery please specify.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - all orders are subject to our T/C
A delivery fee applies to all deliveries unless specified. A minimum order is required for delivery please inquire.
Deliveries before 9.00am and after 5pm and weekends will be charged a surcharge. Delivery fees from $25 to $85.
Once a delivery is accepted, it’s considered in good condition, and complete. We do not take any responsibility for our products once they have been delivered.
A contact person must be nominated and available for our driver to call on route. If the driver arrives and there is no one to receive the order and we cannot make contact the driver will leave, and no refund will be given.
Please note that hot food deliveries will reduce in temperature quickly once delivered please order the delivery time close to service time.
Hot food deliveries do not come with platters. The driver drops off all foods for you to lay out and design.
Though every effort will be made to deliver on time please allow a 15-minute window either side. Our driver may call you to pick up your delivery from outside your venue if they cannot find a legal car spot or they may require assistance.
Once booked all orders require a deposit the balance is to be paid 10 days before the function unless prior arrangements have been arranged.
Staffed events that are cancelled less than 5 full working days prior to the event for any reason, including weather or any other circumstances will incur a fee of 100% of the final invoice and 10 days prior during our peak months of November & December.
Catered functions menus cannot be changed 5 days prior to the event unless agreed.
Delivered orders cannot be changed 2 days prior to delivery
Deposit are non-refundable three weeks prior to a function or 72hrs prior for a food drop off delivery with no exceptions. No refund will be given to food drop off cancellations 48 hrs prior to the ordered time.
For all refundable cancellations an administration fee will apply from $25 to $200. This is to cover a small percentage of labour cost in regards to email, phone calls and planning.
Refunds may take up to 45 days to process. We encourage EFT or cash payments as surcharge of 1.5% may apply to credit card charges over $100.00.
COVID is subject to our all our cancellation policy. If your function or delivery is cancelled due to COVID restrictions, you may reschedule your event. If you cancel due to COVID cases our cancellation policy will apply.
Rescheduled events are not subject to any refunds if you subsequently cancel.
The client uses and occupies any venue booked at their own risk. The client hereby indemnifies Cheap Finger Food Catering and agrees to keep Cheap Finger Food Catering indemnified against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims and demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against Cheap Finger Food Catering and/or incurred arising out of injury or damage to any person or property from or during the use of any venue.
Neither Cheap Finger Food Catering shall be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the client or by any person, firm or corporation supplying any client. The client shall be responsible for the cost of making good any damage or loss caused to any venue booked on behalf of the client and Cheap Finger Food Catering furniture, fittings and equipment arising out of and during the client’s events.
With regards to smoke detectors and fire systems in buildings where Cheap Finger Food Catering is engaged, we recommend that such systems are isolated in areas where we are required to cater and heat foods and accept no responsibility if a smoke detector is triggered due to our normal duties of delivering and cooking/warming food.
Though all efforts are made to ensure that you receive your correct order we may change items without notice due to supply, seasonal or quality control issues. The foods replaced will be equal or great value than your original order.
If numbers of guest reduce, we reserve the right to requote prices. If food items are deleted or swapped from the listed food packages by the client prices will revert to a per item basis listed on our website. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Cheap Finger Food Catering are not liable for the quality of food that it leaves behind for the client. It’s considered “leftovers” and not subject to liability. No claim or liability can be made against Cheap Finger Food Catering 12hrs after the event or delivery.
Our staff do not bring food packages with them the client must pick it up from our location prior or arrange delivery.
Staff are contracted for three hours in total they only cook and serve food purchased from our shop unless discussed and agreed to prior to booking.
If you require staff to serve for a longer period a fee of $50 per hour will apply, please inquire. Staff three hours begin when they arrive.
A contact person must be available to call for our staff when they are on route to the customers venue and a contact person must be always available during the function.
Our staff will only take instructions from the client unless the client nominates in writing someone to speak on their behalf.
One staff member can cater for up to 50 guest if you have more guests and choose not to hire a second staff member, we will require someone to assist our staff member for a minimum of two hours.
It’s expected that an oven, electricity, water and bench space will be available indoors if not please let us know.
Staff may leave at any time if they deem the workplace as unsafe, threatening, abusive or unworkable no refund will be given. We ask you look after our staff and assist them if they are encountering disrespectful guests or if they are in need of assistance.
Cheap Finger Food Catering kitchen and equipment may contain traces of nuts, egg, dairy, gluten and other know allergens.
Although all care is taken by Cheap Finger Food Catering to ensure these items are contained, we cannot guarantee that all dietary requirements will be met.
Whilst we understand the serious implications of reactions to allergens and will endeavor not to cross contaminate your food, Cheap Finger Food Catering will not accept responsibility or liability for an adverse reaction that a guest may have consuming any of our food.
Further, Cheap Finger Food Catering does not take any responsibility for foods used that we source from other suppliers who claim to be allergy free. We DO NOT provide ingredient list for any of our finger foods. If you have a concern please ask us.
Please inform guests who have serious food allergies that if they are concerned, they will be able to bring their own allergen free food. If your guest have any life-threatening dietary issue or foods that may pose a significant discomfort to your guest, we recommend that they do not consume any of our foods as we care for the safety of our clients.